Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Together on a Mission - Day 4 - Training Track 3!

The final training track seemed buzzing with anticipation - as though the gathered thousand or so had suddenly realised that this was the last chance to receive off the ministry of this extrodinary man! I think Rob Rufus realised this because during the ministry session he said a similar thing to Ern Baxter when he was speaking at the Dales Bible Week 1977 - that all individual needs would be met in the corporate anointing that seeking Jesus Christ would bring.

Terry Virgo introduced Rob again and made it quite clear in his introduction that this would not be the last time we would meet Rob! We then sang together; "Pour over me" - a fitting song in the light of what would come.

Rob spoke for considerably shorter than the last two tracks - with the aim of seeking the Lord before we had to close the session. He turned us to John 16 and said he had initially wanted to speak on the corporate anointing that comes in the Church, but he felt prompted by the Spirit to simply focus on Jesus Christ and then the anointing would come. Here is the transcript from my notes:

"There is a lot of pain mingled with richness in apostolic christianity. Many goodbyes at airports as well as hellos! Part of the furnishing of the anointing is to enable us to go into the glory cloud of God. As the glory of God is coming back we must not try to bring it back in our own strength or abilities. It is very quick and efficient to bring the ark of the covenant back on a cart - much slower on the shoulders of priests! But God has a prescribed method. God wants a priesthood of all believers who have a hold on the stays of the Ark of glory - six steps then praise!

The glory of God will meet the needs of a human heart. He woes mens hearts - we were born for glory! The possibilities of knowing Jesus of Nazareth at the right hand of the Father more intimately and in experiential closeness almost more intimately than the 12 disciples. (John 16:3) "He will bring glory to Me". The greek word "Epinoisis" means "knowledge and experience". The better I know the Holy Spirit, the more I will know of Jesus Christ. It will in other words go beyond our cerebral comprehension (Luke 24:50-53).

We mustn't let the restoration of truth distract us from the Truth. Various truths must not distract us from the fact that all truth must end in an experiential knowledge of Jesus. (Acts 1:9-11, Hebrews 1:1-4, 14, Hebrews 2:10-11). "Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers". (Hebrews 2:14-18, 4:14-16, Hebrews 6:13-20). This hope - an anchor for the soul.

As we focus on the Lord Jesus, the corporate anointing will come. As we step out in the supernatural, opposition will come. The Spirit of God will never speak in abusive and violent tones. He is risen, exalted and elevated to the self-same place. But He has not changed! Angels worship and adore Him but they are not His family - we are! He is not disgusted or horrified by us but identifies with our infirmities. He keeps no record of wrongs but intercedes, taking our most feeble prayers and presenting them to the Father in the full volume of His faith.

Our being is concealed in Christ and the Spirit is our sole anchor. Faith is a conciousness of certainity and eternity. "Such as I have, I give you". And as Peter healed the cripple in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus is connected still to the earthly realm! The Holy Spirit will connect us to Jesus in such a way that we know that He is not ashamed to call us brothers!"

Rob then got us to stand and again quite simply welcomed the Spirit of God. Two absolutely awesome things of note happened in this time. I had a vision that occured quite unexpectedly and unannounced that was meant for Scott. It was so incredibly powerful but I wasn't sure whether I was meant to speak to him while Rob was ministering. However the proverbial kick from the Spirit said yes, so I shared it with him. Because it was meant for him I will let him share it if he so wishes!

The second thing was that just as Rob was closing he identified that there was a denomic spirit of suicide present and commanded it to manifest itself. It was quite startling to suddenly hear a hideous scream come from near the platform. Rob calmly told the demonic spirit to stop showing off and get out in the Name of Jesus. The man was free! He testified that he had been struggling for years with this and came to the conference desperate to receive from God and be freed. It was just so exciting to see the Kingdom of God in action. No fuss. Demons have to leave!

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